The contents of this article are dedicated to investigating the utilization and application of health informatics in a variety of contexts. Hence, the article will treat the subjects of health information exchange, health knowledge management, e-health systems, e-public health systems and m-health systems.
* Health information exchangesrefer to the transmission and dissemination of healthcare information electronically among organizations within a region or community. The technological development registered at the level of health informatics resulted in the capability to electronically transmit clinical data among disparate healthcare information systems without it having to suffer any alterations. The degree of exchangeability has expanded to a national level. This way clinicians can integrate their independent records, creating agile, patient-centered electronic health records that generate a new level of patient safety and information exchange.
* Health information exchangesrefer to the transmission and dissemination of healthcare information electronically among organizations within a region or community. The technological development registered at the level of health informatics resulted in the capability to electronically transmit clinical data among disparate healthcare information systems without it having to suffer any alterations. The degree of exchangeability has expanded to a national level. This way clinicians can integrate their independent records, creating agile, patient-centered electronic health records that generate a new level of patient safety and information exchange.